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Events organized by 复旦大学——华盛顿大学EMBA项目

复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA 招生宣讲会暨视听体验课:如何激发和维持创造力

时间: 2024年03月02日, 14:00 to 3Mar2024331042Satpm24 2024, 16:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目,是由美国华盛顿大学奥林商学院与复旦大学管理学院联合开办的EMBA项目。英国《金融时报》(FT)发布2022年全球EMBA排名,复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目位列全球第9位,学术研究连续3年蝉联亚洲第一。 复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目是一个全英文授课的在职学习项目。项目首创了中外联合授课模...活动详情

复旦-华盛顿Olin EMBA 大师课堂:数字化转型对企业和领导者意味着什么?

时间: 2023年04月09日, 18:00 to 4Apr2023430089Sunpm23 2023, 20:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:Theme:Digital Transformation: What it means for businesses and leaders 时间:2023年4月9日(周日)18:00-20:00 地点:新天地朗庭酒店3楼 教授简介: Prof. Patrick Moreton Professor of Practice in Strategy and Management Dr. Moreton is a member of the strategy area at the WashU-...活动详情


时间: 2020年03月21日, 19:30 to 3Mar20203310821Satpm20 2020, 20:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:在这举国同心抗疫的特殊时期,科技扮演了积极的角色,帮助各行各业进行转型与升级。在远程办公、远程医疗、远程教育、数字营销等领域科技行业也赢得了前所未有的发展机会。 步入2020年,智能、协同、速度、安全这四大关键词将成为科技浪潮新十年的主旋律。智能革命将迎来颠覆性的技术变局,进而持续带动产业革命和社会进...活动详情

复旦-华盛顿大学EMBA x上海美国商会:诊断式思维的艺术与科学:第一时间解决正确问题对创新至关重要

时间: 2018年02月01日, 13:00 to 2Feb2018228011Thupm18 2018, 13:03 (GMT +08:00)

简介:多少次你去参加一个意在解决某一问题的会议,然而几分钟后参会人员就为解决方案而争辩不休。直奔解决方案是公司常入的误区,因为这样会拖延问题的解决,造成高成本代价,而且滞后的反馈会使公司陷入混乱。 诊断式思维的艺术与科学将为个人及团队带来新的认知,以帮助人们在第一时间解决正确的问题。这一话题的关键挑战在于...活动详情


时间: 2017年10月14日, 13:00 to 10Oct201710310414Satpm17 2017, 16:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 5world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2017年10月14日, 08:30 to 10Oct201710311114Satam17 2017, 11:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 5world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2017年08月12日, 13:00 to 8Aug20178310412Satpm17 2017, 16:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 5world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2017年03月05日, 14:00 to 3Mar2017331075Sunpm17 2017, 19:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 5world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2017年01月07日, 08:30 to 1Jan2017131117Satam17 2017, 11:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 5world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2016年10月22日, 08:30 to 10Oct201610311122Satam16 2016, 11:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 6world-wi...活动详情


时间: 2016年08月20日, 08:30 to 8Aug20168311120Satam16 2016, 11:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介:The WashU – Fudan EMBA Program is a joint educational venture between Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University. Since its beginning in 2002, the program has been a leader in China, providing a world-class development experience for executives. The program is ranked No. 6 world-w...活动详情


时间: 2015年05月06日, 18:00 to 5May2015531086Wedpm15 2015, 20:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介: WUSTL-Fudan EMBA Master Class: Creating a Purpose-Driven Workplace: Lessons from Zookeepers May 6, 2015, Wednesday, 18:00 – 20:30 | The Portman Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Many of today's workers in China are looking for more than just a fat paycheck and an impressive t...活动详情


时间: 2014年12月12日, 09:00 to 12Dec201412310515Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:复旦-华盛顿EMBA项目体验课——战略性成本分析 This course focuses on both the accumulation of managerial accounting information and the use of that information for product costing, cost management, decision making, and the provision of incentives within the firm. The goal of this course...活动详情

复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课——Operations & Process Management

时间: 2014年11月15日, 09:00 to 11Nov201411300517Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课——Operations & Process Management Couse Instructor ...活动详情

复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目试听课——Advanced Marketing

时间: 2014年08月15日, 09:00 to 8Aug20148310518Monam14 2014, 05:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介: Washington University – Fudan University Executive MBA Program Couse Instructor & Co-teacher Prof. ...活动详情

复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课——Data Modeling & Decision Making

时间: 2014年06月27日, 09:00 to 6Jun20146300530Monpm14 2014, 17:00 (GMT +08:00)

简介: Data Modeling & Decision Making JUN 27 – 30, 2014, Fudan University School of Management ...活动详情

复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目—— Global Supply Chain Management

时间: 2014年06月06日, 09:00 to 6Jun2014630059Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介: Course Instructor: Panos Kouvelis, Senior Associate Dean and Director of Executive Programs; Director of The Boeing Center for Technology, Information, and Manufacturing and Emerson Distinguished Professor of Operations and Manufacturing Management Course Description: In this course we wi...活动详情


时间: 2014年05月09日, 09:00 to 5May20145310512Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:Washington University – Fudan University EMBA Class Trial Managing Power & Influence in Organizations 公司政治与权利游戏 May 9 – 12, 2014, Fudan Univ. School of Management Power and influence processes are ubiquitous in organizational life, from start-ups to large corporation...活动详情

复旦-华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课程: Valuation, Mergers & Acquisitions

时间: 2014年04月13日, 09:00 to 4Apr20144300514Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:复旦-华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课程 ——Valuation, Mergers & Acquisitions Course Instructor ...活动详情

商学院大百科邀您参加复旦大学——华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课程《Leadership and Leading Change》

时间: 2014年03月07日, 09:00 to 3Mar20143310510Monpm14 2014, 17:30 (GMT +08:00)

简介:复旦大学——华盛顿大学EMBA项目体验课程 《Leadership and Leading Change》 ...活动详情

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