
第十届EIPM 亚洲采购总监圆桌论坛——“战略与组织”

11月25日 2016, 08:30 至 11月25日 2016, 18:00 (时区 +08:00)

入场券类型 结束销售 价格 数量
电子优惠券 已结束 免费 N/A

 10th EIPM CPO Asia Round Table

“S t r a t e g i e s & O r g a n i s a t i o n s ”
Trends, Priorities, Metrics & Competencies

The EIPM CPO Asia Round Table provides the opportunity to tackle the major challenges purchasing is facing, as well as exchange best practices and benchmark amongst CPOs.
EIPM CPO亚洲论坛给CPO们提供一个交流的机会,共同探讨采购业目前面临的主要挑战,同时交流最佳实践和比较基准。

刘宝瑛 - 国家电力投资集团公司 
Formerly Deputy General Manager of China National Building Materials Group Co. Ltd. (中国建材集团有限公司). 
Topic: “China Big State Owned Companies' Purchasing Organization and Strategy Evolution” 

Celine Le Cotonnec – Head of Connected Services, Digital and Mobility at PSA Peugeot Citroen Asia 
Topic: “Automotive digital transformation and impact on the value chain”

In recent years, the emergence of digital technology have allowed the growth of new tech giants such as Google, Facebook, but also Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent in China. Society is now changing their consumer model to be more oriented toward a services rather than the ownership of a good. Mobility services are forecasted to grow tremendously in the coming year as opposed to automotive market which is slowing down in every country where it has already reached over capacity. As the value is transferring from the product to the service, what does it mean for the current automotive value chain? How will the transformation impact the OEM and their Tier 1? What are the initiatives of all the players to reposition their product and activity in order to remain during the areas of autonomous vehicle? 


Xavier Sarrat - Faiveley China Purchasing Director

Topic: "Transformation of Purchasing Organization: A journey to rebuild confidence“ 

Dr. Hervé Legenvre 
Hervé is the EIPM MBA Director and has 15 years of experience in delivering action learning solutions to a wide number of clients. He was the EFQM Director for 10 years, heading the European Excellence Award, training activities and facilitating numerous benchmarking projects. He oversaw the development of the latest EFQM Excellence Model, a framework used by more than 30,000 organisations to assess their performance and develop their strategy. 

Bernard Gracia – Dean and Director of the European institute of Purchasing Management

Bernard collaborated in the launching of one of the first post-graduate programmes in Purchasing in the world (MAI - Master Industrial Purchasing for the Bordeaux Business School). In 1990, associated with leading companies in the EU, he founded EIPM. As Director of EIPM, he launched the first MBA specialised in Purchasing in Europe and the first European Roundtable for CPOs. Bernard’s training and research activities focus on Corporate Purchasing Strategy, Purchasing Organisation, and Value Creation Contribution. 

The EIPM CPO Asia Round Table is a one day event gathering exclusively Purchasing Directors and other Purchasing Executives. Participating to the Roundtable will allow you to: 
· Benchmark your company’s practices against others 
· Strengthen your network with peers 
· Hear the point of view of different industry sectors 
· Exchange opinions in high level debates 
· Analyse the global changes in the field 
Articulated around plenary and parallel workshop sessions, the Asia Roundtable brings together not only top Purchasing Executives, but also international experts in the field.


2016年11月25日, 08:30 
- 至 -
2016年11月25日, 18:00 (时区 +08:00)




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