
[GEMBA Forum] 互联网+时代的商业战略 Business Strategy in Internet + Era

9月19日 2015, 13:30 至 9月19日 2015, 18:00 (时区 +08:00)

入场券类型 结束销售 价格 数量
电子邀请函 已结束 免费 N/A




GEMBA Info. Session
& "Internet +" Forum
19 Sept. 2015
活动议程 Agenda
13:30 上海交大—美国南加大GEMBA项目说明会
15:30 论坛:“互联网+时代的商业战略
18:00 结束

13:30 USC-SJTU GEMBA Info. Session
15:30 Forum: Business Stragety in "Internet + Era"
18:00 End

活动地点 Venue

New Upper Hall, Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Jiaotong University
1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
项目说明会 Info. Session
GEMBA 邀请对项目感兴趣的申请人出席2015年9月19日的GEMBA项目说明会-上海站暨开放论坛,让您对GMEBA项目以及项目将带给您的价值有更清晰的了解。本次说明会将由John D. Van Fleet先生(南加大马歇尔商学院助理院长兼GEMBA项目执行主任)主持,届时您将会有机会与John D. Van Fleet先生和其他的项目成员进行一对一沟通,并与在场的GEMBA校友和学员进行互动交流。

GEMBA encourages candidates interested in applying to our GEMBA program to attend our information session on 19 September 2015 in Shanghai. Led by Mr. John D. Van Fleet, the Assistant Dean of the USC Marshall School of Business and the Executive Director of the GEMBA Program, our information session is designed to give you about a solid perspective on the GEMBA program. You' ll have opportunities to talk one-on-one with Van Fleet and the program team, as well as students and alumni, and other potential students.

说明会主持人 Host

John D. Van Fleet
The Assistant Dean of the USC Marshall School of Business and the Executive Director of the GEMBA Program

“互联网+时代”论坛 Forum



GEMBA 论坛有幸邀请到“互联网+”领域的两位先锋人物与我们分享他们的见解:姜跃平先生,现任大众点评网首席战略官,高级副总裁;王翌先生,英语流利说联合创始人兼首席执行官。我们也很荣幸邀请到两位教授加入此次论坛-- GEMBA学术主任陈百助教授以及企业战略知名教授Arvind Bhambri先生。

Topic: “Business Strategy in “Internet + ” Era (“互联网+”时代的商业战略)

The concept of "Internet +", recently mentioned PRC Party leaders such as Premier Li Keqiang, has drawn wide attention, as many see it as a sign of the Chinese government's increasing emphasis on the Internet industry. According to China Internet Network Information Center, China had 649 million Internet users by the end of 2014, and some 557 million used cell phones to get online.

The Internet is already a driving force for the transformation of traditional manufacturing that Internet Plus not only had economic benefits, but will also improve public services.

In this spirit, GEMBAs are lucky to have two pioneers in this field to share with us their insights:

演讲嘉宾 Speakers

姜跃平先生(Michael Jiang)
CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) & Senior Vice President of Dianping.com

王翌(Yi Wang)
Co-founder and CEO of Liulishuo.

Arvind Bhambri
Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

陈百助 Baizhu Chen
Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California; Academic Director of the GEMBA Program in Shanghai







2015年09月19日, 13:30 
- 至 -
2015年09月19日, 18:00 (时区 +08:00)




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