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清华-INSEAD双学位EMBA项目上海分享会:Why Big Data Doesn't Work?决战大数据

11月29日 2014, 14:30 至 11月29日 2014, 16:15 (时区 +08:00)

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清华-INSEAD双学位EMBA项目上海分享会:Why Big Data Doesn't Work?决战大数据

主讲人:车品觉 现任阿里巴巴副总裁/数据委员会会长、原敦煌网首席产品官



Nov. 29th 2014 ( Sat.) 

Language English
Venue: Dragon+Phoenix Room, 2nd Floor
Grand Mercure Shanghai HongQiao
369 Xianxia Road, 
Shanghai 200336 P.R.China


Event Info
With the rapid transformation of data technology, we currently stand at a historical turning point. Although the term “big data” has become the subject of heated discussion, rarely does anyone mention the abilities that this great revolution necessitates. Countless businesses and individuals regard data with equal parts trepidation and awe: “What does big data have to do with me?” The future is the era of big data; in the future, competition will be synonymous to data competition. It is high time that we forget the fanciful speculations and hype, and let big data truly “live” for once – not just as something “seen” but as something “utilized.” The data no longer serves simply as the basis for arithmetical calculations, but also possesses the potential to predict and create new opportunities.

Mr. Herbert Chia, Alibaba's Head of Intelligence, completed the TIEMBA (Tsinghua - INSEAD Executive MBA) programme in 2010. As Herbert puts it, the programme was an awakening "that gave him the energy and the power to do something else". In this presentation, Mr. Herbert Chia reviews the heat on Big Data and develops the discussion on how to turn it into something “utilized”. A brief introduction of Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Program will also be presented after the lecture.
About Speaker

Mr. Herbert Chia, aged 48, holds an EMBA degree from Tsinghua University and INSEAD, a bachelor’s degree in business computing. Mr. Chia is currently vice president of Alibaba Group after joining in August 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Chia held CPO (chief products officer) at DHgate.com, a B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce website connecting China-based small and medium enterprises with buyers overseas, from August 2006 to July 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Chia held management positions at well-known enterprises including eBay, Microsoft and HSBC.


2014年11月29日, 14:30 
- 至 -
2014年11月29日, 16:15 (时区 +08:00)




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