

10月14日 2014, 18:30 至 10月14日 2014, 20:30 (时区 +08:00)

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                              Manchester Business School HR Taster英国曼彻斯特商学院HR主题讲座

The link between organisational performance and HRM: an ongoing quest


Research focusing on firm-level impact of HRM practices has been popular in recent years. The literature that focuses on the performance effects of HRM practices, such as training and information sharing, and research that examines the influence of systems of such practices on organisational outcomes. Professor Anastasia will illustrate conceptual frame work as explanations for the links between organisational performance and progressive HRM practices. 


Date and Agenda:

Tuesday, 14 Oct 2014

18:30 Registration

19:00 Keynote Speech

19:45 Q & A

20:00 MBA programme Introduction

20:30 End


Suite 604, 6F| 1376 West Nanjing Road



Speaker: Dr. Anastasia Kynighou

Anastasia Kynighou is a Senior Lecturer of Human Resource Management.  She holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from Manchester Business School (MBS) where she is still an Honorary Lecturer and teaches on MBS’ Global MBA programme. Her research interests include: cross-cultural management and international business, diffusion of Human Resource Management practices within Multinational Corporations, life-cycle models in foreign subsidiaries, types of local ownerships and impact on HRM, employee involvement and participation. Her work has been published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals such as the International Journal of Human Resource Management and she has presented a number of papers at international academic conferences.



Speaker: Mr. Charles Gao

Charles graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, and held the MBA degree from Manchester Business School.

Charles is a Seasoned Professional with more than 15 years consulting and management experience in the Executive Recruitment industry. Now he is Managing Director of Empresaria IntelligenceHR, which is part of UK listed executive search company Empresaria Group plc. Previously he worked with the global No.1 staffing Group Adecco as Director from 2006 to 2013 and Sales Manager of China No. 1 online recruitment company 51job.com since 1999 to 2006.






英国曼彻斯特商学院Global MBA Q&A:http://www.whichmba.net/business.do?actionId=BrowseProgrammeDetail&programmeId=programme00108904&languageVersion=CN





2014年10月14日, 18:30 
- 至 -
2014年10月14日, 20:30 (时区 +08:00)


上海 200040


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