9月26日 2014, 19:00 至 9月26日 2014, 22:00 (时区 +08:00)
"Global Leaders Connection"
- 全球未来领袖系列活动,MBA校友、学生聚会日
powered by catalyst4mbas.com
supported by whichmba.net (商学院大百科) in Shanghai
校友资源是MBA的最大资源。您有机会和众多全球顶级MBA院校毕业生聚会,并同您的学长们,现在著名公司的CEO,CMO,HR Director们见面。
We all know alumni is a valuable part of the MBA and on this night you have the opportunity to network with multiple MBA & Masters programs alumni while having the chance to meet top-tier international organizations’ C-level and HR execs.
*Those that are not doing RSVP will be charged 350rmb at the door.
We offer to whichmba.net member 220RMB pay online with RSVP。
We offer to whichmba.net member 290RMB with RSVP, but pay at the door. Please click this link.
We think you will find it one of the highest caliber events you have attended.
“The best professional networking events I have attended in China.”
"Compared to other events, this was the best networking. An efficient activity broke down barriers by forming circles, allowing us to talk one after another. Met many MBA alumni and student from all over. Good exchange without stress."
Ariane Blanc - Tongji MBA
"A very efficient MBA networking event which not only helps alum to exchange ideas and resources, but also connect upper eschelon organizations with potential candidates."
Xingyan Liu - Kellogg MBA
Attend to:
- Meet C-level and HR executives, face to face and learn about their leadership
programs and more
- Grow your MBA network to the top business schools
- Hear hard earned insights from experienced C-level keynote speakers of large international organizations

Keynote speakers: The Managing Partner of A.T. Kearney, This international Consulting firm with offices in 40 countries is called the 80 year old start up because they were so massively successful in reinventing themselves.
A chance to hear from the leader that doubled their revenue in his first two years there, without increasing head count.
Plus two more speakers to be released through Wechat @ catalyst4mba
VIPs : C-level and HR execs from fortune 500 organizations. (Last event we had Ford, Eli Lilly, Fosun, KKM, Bole, Bain & Co. and more)
MBAs and Masters from the following Programs expected to attend:
Overseas Programs
Yale University, University of Virginia - Darden School of Business, Columbia Business School, Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business, Duke Fugua School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Wharton, TUCK at Dartmouth and Kellogg, Manchester Business School, INSEAD, HEC and more.
Domestic Programs.
BiMBA, CEIBS, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Jiatong - Kedge Business School AEMBA, Fudan University, Fudan-BI International MBA, Tsinghua University,Zhejiang University of China, Keji University of China, Shanghai Tongji University MBA, School of Business Nanjing University, School of Management, Zhejiang University, Xian JiaoTong University The School of Management, College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
This event invites MBAs, Masters and PHDs alumni from global top schools as well as industry leaders from internationalChamber of commerce, and organizations.
Not your ordinary networking event
What the event brings:
These events are packed with real value. From the top-tier organization’s C-level executive speakers(CEO of G.E., CEO of APCO, Regional Director of Coca Cola, etc.) to the networking activity that gets you started off with 10 to 20 business card exchanges with MBAs & Masters in your industry。
The organizer is focused on bringing efficient and effective connections for MBAs. We bring MBAs together from the top business schools to idea share and create a platform to connect with top organizations that value the MBA and offer real career opportunities.
7:00pm Doors open
7:30 CEO Keynote Speaker
7:50 Panel discussion or Global Leaders activity
8:20 Networking activity – Grouped by colors(industry)
8:40 Open Networking for all to enjoy
9:30 Prize Give away
This is your chance to make real and valuable connections, attain fascinating real world insights from top executives that you will have the chance to meet. We also have an great networking activity that is going to get you introduced to MBAs, Masters and alumni from multiple top schools. Don’t forget that there will also be C-level & HR executives from top organizations that value MBAs attending as our VIPs that will be mixed into the networking activity.
This is a really high caliber networking opportunity for you to build real relationships that can make a real difference in your future. So come and join "MBA Global Leaders, a real catalyst for MBAs!
Our previous events in Shanghai brought:
Kenneth Jarrett, Chairman of APCO and 2012 Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce, giving a speech on "Doing Business in China: Never Dull and Never Easy". He spoke from his 26+ years of experience with US/China affairs and deep knowledge of Chinese culture period.
Martin Jansen, Region Director of Coca-Cola Bottling Investments Group, China-Singapore-Malaysia, who spoke on "Winning and Coca-Cola". He shared the amazing story behind the most iconic brand and his leadership for winning and touched on how his professional sports coaching skills transferred over to the business world and then speaking on leadership and important points to help you grow as a leader.
John Ho, CSO of Geo Media and previous VP of Groupon gave real insight to the uses and background in his spech, Big Data & Big Business
Our overseas events have brought the CEO of General Electric and the Head of Linkedin and the CEO of Accenture to speak and consecutively bring 200–300 attendees.
This is truly a hi-quality networking event both for high potential professionals looking to grow their professional network and for executives looking to reach the top MBAs. We have a networking activity that gets everyone into the flow of making introductions and bringing each other value.
Please contact WhichMBA office
Tel:86-21-52301885 / 64688327
Email: ying.zhao@whichmba.net
Website: www.whichmba.net
*Those that are not registered will be charged 350rmb at the door.
2014年09月26日, 19:00
至 -
2014年09月26日, 22:00 (时区 +08:00)