
英国曼彻斯特商学院Global EMBA项目招生说明会

4月16日 2014, 19:00 至 4月16日 2014, 21:00 (时区 +08:00)

入场券类型 结束销售 价格 数量
电子邀请函 已结束 免费 N/A


MBS GEMBA  Upcoming Event
Manchester Business School
Global EMBA Information Session

The Global EMBA is distinctive, challenging and inspirational; it is designed to take delegates out of their time zone and comfort zones, and equip them with the higher level skills (i.e. strategy and leadership), knowledge and networks to transform their career, organisation and the communities around them. The programme balances academic rigor with getting out in the real world to try ideas and critique current practices, aiming to train the delegates to be international business leaders.

Entry Requirements: 

- Substantial, rich professional experience (minimum eight years) with significant management responsibility, career progression and recognised achievements
- Significant time (typically 5 years) spent in a leadership role with ability to influence your company’s strategy
- Manchester Admissions Test or acceptable GMAT or GRE score
Event Details
Date: 16th April, Wednesday, 2014
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: MBS China Centre
Suite 604, 6F, West Office Tower, Shanghai Centre 1376 Nanjing West Road
Speaker: Sherry Fu
Regional Director, MBS China Centre
*For more information ,please call with us:021-52301885

This event is open to senior executives with over 8 years working experience who engage in developing company strategy and business development.

About MBS Global EMBA Programme:
•   Part-time, 20-month Executive MBA programme
4 Core residential workshops in Manchester, Shanghai, Dubai and Miami
2 elective workshops can be taken at any of MBS 7 international centres
GEMBA+ extra-curricular experiences, ranging from high-level networking events to personal executive coaching, build your corporate connection and raise your profile across the world
Global cohort of high profile business executive students across regions

2014年04月16日, 19:00 
- 至 -
2014年04月16日, 21:00 (时区 +08:00)


上海 200040


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