

11月6日 2013, 09:00 至 11月16日 2013, 17:30 (时区 +08:00)

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2013年11月6日,软技能(Softe Skill)

 主讲人:Prof. Dr. Chris Chan, Ivey商学院亚洲区高端人才发展的区域总监,曾担任康奈尔大学教授、新加坡南洋理工学院院长,香港大学助理院长。 

The main objective of this course is to provide an overview and better understanding of fundamental soft skills essential to effective management at an executive level in Asia. Specially, a globalized and uncertain economy, rapidly shifting economic landscape, and business complexity require leaders to further develop “soft” management skills in people management, collaboration, communication, negotiation, and social responsibility. Rather than offering general communication training, this course aims to further develop participants’ strategic leadership and apply soft skills in today’s business and competitive environment focusing on Asia and China. Topics covered in this course include essential skills for the 21st century CEO, soft leadership in business, growth mindset, collaboration, war for talent, negotiation and joint venture, and corporate social responsibility and sustainability.  


2013年11月7日-11月9日,跨文化管理(Cross-Cultural Management)

主讲人:Prof. Dr. Tomas Casas,圣加伦大学教授,主要教授创业和创新课程、公司治理和亚洲商业管理

How effective are you in dealing with foreigners, or working in cross-functional teams? Can you engage in mutually productive collaboration with clients, partners or suppliers who are different from you in terms of expertise, age, gender, wealth and income levels, social class, first language, values, religion or race? In today's flat, highly connected world, cross-cultural competency is critical to organizations.



2013年11月10日-11月12日,人力资源管理( Human Resource Management )

主讲人:Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pucik  中欧国际工商学院客座教授,曾任瑞士洛桑IMD商学院MBA\EMBA人力资源管理和战略教授


The course presents the domain of human resource management in the context of key business challenges facing firms in the era of globalization.  Faced with the ever-increasing  requirements to do things better, cheaper and faster, the ability to mobilize human resources become critical success factor for companies anywhere in the world. As fields of business strategy, organizational capabilities and human resource management are (HRM) increasingly intertwined, the course frames the core human resource management issues from a general management perspective. Because of time constraints, the course content is by definition selective, but the coverage of selected topics is broad – combining academic theory and concept with practical business examples.




2013年11月13日-11月14,11月16日,领导力与综合管理( Leadership and General Management)

主讲人:Prof. Elfed Roberts,香港大学荣誉教授,主授EMBA课程-领导力和沟通艺术


The purpose of this course is to investigate what makes a leader, what makes a successful leader and why leaders sometimes fail. We then proceed to look at typologies of leaders and the different forms of leadership behavior along the spectrum from democratic to autocratic, and how leaders operate in SMEs and corporations – which can be quite different. Examples will be looked at in a cultural context, using case studies and exercises to illustrate the presentation. We will look at management issues in relation to leadership to encourage consideration of this crucial connection. We include communication, the media and leadership and the crucial role of the leader in a crisis using simulations to help illustrate the themes.








2013年11月06日, 09:00 
- 至 -
2013年11月16日, 17:30 (时区 +08:00)





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