
英国曼彻斯特商学院Global MBA公开课——如何在一个项目管理中创出卓越的成绩?

8月28日 2013, 19:00 至 8月28日 2013, 20:30 (时区 +08:00)

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电子邀请函 已结束 免费 N/A


英国曼彻斯特商学院Global MBA公开课



Worldwide statistic that says 80% of all projects fail. Why does this happen? The lecture by Professor Philip will be a lively interactive talk with focus on the project management, that if you apply throughout your business then you will deliver exceptional business results. The Global MBA Marketing and Recruitment Team will also be on hand to answer any of your questions.

Philip E. Le G. BaylisCEng, CGeol, MICE, Master NLP, Jonah TOCFellow MBSCourse Director, Module Co-ordinator, Module Director,Workshop DirectorProf. Philip Baylis is the current ModuleDirector for the Project Management module on the Manchester Global MBAProgramme. He is a highly experienced Business Engineering consultant,specializing in the development of individual and organizational competenciesto guarantee effective delivery of high value projects and programs. He hasover 10 years’ experience in the analysis of organizational capability, anddevelopment of best practice processes and practices. Philip identifies thelatest techniques in people management in order to get the best possibleoutcome for businesses. He has significant expertise in the facilitation ofcomplex interactions at all levels of the organization, from Board level toproject team level.

Time & Date:7:00pm-8:30pm,Wednesday, 28 August, 20136:30pm Registration starts ( Applicants who finish submittingapplications before25thSeptember 2013could enjoy tuition waiver of GBP 2137)

Address:   Room628, No 1376 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai







2013年08月28日, 19:00 
- 至 -
2013年08月28日, 20:30 (时区 +08:00)


上海 200040


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