
复旦-BI挪威MBA项目体验课——Leadership Development

11月18日 2012, 08:30 至 11月18日 2012, 17:00 (时区 +08:00)

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复旦-挪威BI在职MBA项目体验课——Leadership Development

Leadership Development

The previous modules have focused on different types of managerial knowledge that is required for optimal performance in international business organizations. The students should thus have become familiar with both basic and advanced perspectives on the several facets of the business leader’s job.
In this final module we will emphasize the importance of leadership as behaviors influencing employees, co-workers and other stakeholders towards commitment and co-operation towards business objectives. The module focuses on fundamentals in leadership theories (particularly transformational leadership), assessment of leadership performance and potential, and on how leadership capacity in organizations may be developed. A particular emphasis is made on the relationship between leadership, leadership development and strategic business objectives. Additional emphasis is given to cross-cultural aspects of leadership, authority and interpersonal behaviors.

Associate professor Jan Ketil Arnulf, Ph.D.
Dr. Arnulf holds a position as associate professor on the Norwegian School of Management (BI) in Oslo, where he teaches leadership, organizational behavior and counseling. He is a certified organizational psychologist and a certified clinical psychologist as well. He is also a member of the Norwegian association of professional writers and translators.

Before joining BI, Dr. Arnulf has been working as a management consultant to both private and governmental organizations, working with change projects and general organizational development. He has also managerial experience from private and governmentally owned developmental services.




2012年11月18日, 08:30 
- 至 -
2012年11月18日, 17:00 (时区 +08:00)



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