10月21日 2012, 18:30 至 10月21日 2012, 20:45 (时区 +08:00)
清华-INSEAD双学位EMBA项目公开课——The war for talent
Event Info
We all know talent has become the most critical competitive differentiator for businesses in the new era of knowledge-based economy, and we naturally focus a lot more on how to compete with others in attracting and retaining talent, but clearly we are fighting an uphill battle and need to find a new breakthrough.
Prof. S.H. Lee proposes that we declare war on our traditional mindsets and practices in treating our people as “Human Resources” or even the new trendy way of “Human Capital”, and shows a new and better way in managing people. Prof. Lee will explain “why” and “so what” for the revolutionary change, and share his insights on how this paradigm shift will significantly change how we think and what we do, and why conquering this “internal war” will dramatically enhance our odds of winning in the “external war” for talent.
Welcome to join us! You will also have the access to network with the alumni and participants of Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Program
Event Details
Date / Time:21 Oct 2012 (Sun) / 18:30 - 20:45
18:00 - 19:00 Cocktail reception & network with the alumni and participants of Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Program
19:00 - 19:45 Introduction to Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Program
Speaker:Prof. Steven White, faculty of Tsinghua SEM
19:45 - 20:45 The War for Talent
Speaker:Prof. S. H. Lee, teaching faculty of Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA Program
About speaker
Tel: (8621) 52301885
2012年10月21日, 18:30
至 -
2012年10月21日, 20:45 (时区 +08:00)